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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

This week marks our last class meeting and our final exam review session. I am grateful to you all for allowing me to be a part of your Loyola experience and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. let me also say that your participation in the Great American Immigration Debate on this blogspot served as the additional reading material for this course (and maybe the most important!). Thank you for all of your entries and comments during the semester...

I look forward to seeing you (and reading about you in the future) in the future. Below is the study guide for the final Exam which will take place DECEMBER 9, 2008. YOU WILL HAVE THE ENTIRE PERIOD TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM.

--Christopher Helt, Esq.


THE FINAL EXAM COUNTS FOR 20% (or 20 points of your overall grade). It will be in essay format and require you not only to know the subject matter covered in class but you must be able to apply it.

You may use the IRAC method of answering the essay questions for one or all of the exam questions, depending on what is asked and your preference. I will be available by email or telephone before the exam for you. I can also meet with you if you have any last minute questions, depending on our schedule (I will be in town this week and next).

Everything we covered in class is fair game for an essay question on the final. There will be three questions to answer, from a choice of two or three. You will have the entire period to answer the exam. To keep everyone honest, their will be essay questions related to the reading material, especially since there was not an enormous amount of reading material assigned the second half of the semester.

Pay particular attention to the following:

I. DEFINITION OF ASYLUM-be able not only to define it, but know the five bases. Be prepared to cite class lectures and DANIELS, NGAI. Be able to identify a specific fact pattern or scenario similar to what you have heard about from out guest speaker, Farah Choudry, Class Lectures, Audiovisual and blog spot entries. There may be a question on the final exam taken directly from one of your entries or comments.

II. PATRIOT ACTS FILM-who were the individuals portrayed in the film? (Tariq Moti and Mohammad Tariq). See handout given in class (profiling illegal immigrants in the U.S.), Chicago Tribune Article "Tossed out of America" on our class blogspot, the Chicago Lawyer Article "New Era In Immigration Law". (1) What was this law all about, (2) who did it affect, (3) what was its stated purpose, and (3) was it "legal"? (4) Is it still in existence today? Know chapter 3 of Nguyen, and Sadru Noorani and Qadir. How did their lives parallel those depicted in Patriot Acts? Be prepared to provide specific examples in the reading material and the film.

III. KNOW NSEERS ("Special Registration"), the time period why it was implemented and who was affected. Be able to identify similarities in this law with other laws affecting individuals such as the Japanese Internment camps.

1. Japanese Internment Camps refers to the forcible relocation and internment of approximately 110,000 Japanese nationals and Japanese Americans to housing facilities called "War Relocation Camps", in the wake of Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. The internment of Japanese Americans was applied unequally throughout the United States. Know why and its justification.

2. Know the similarities between 9/11 and another unfortunate incident in our history, on December 7, (1941): PEARL HARBOR. What policy changes were effected and what laws were enacted as a result and why? The terms remember 9/11, and we shall never forget are just about identical to the slogans "remember Pearl harbor"-- (remember the poster passed out in class?) what is their significance?

3. KNOW THE LEGAL BASIS TO PASS ANY IMMIGRATION LAW. YOU MAY BE ASKED TO APPLY THIS TO A CERTAIN FACT PATTERN NOT SEEN BEFORE. You may be asked to use the IRAC method to answer the ESSAY QUESTION (see below). Please be prepared to compare the past with the present:

Whereas the special registration program only involved non US citizens, over 60% of the internees were American citizens. President Franklin Roosevelt authorized the internment with Executive Order 9066, which allowed local military commanders to designate "military areas" as "exclusion zones", from which "any or all persons may be excluded." This power was used to declare that all people of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the entire Pacific coast. This is discussed in Ngai and you should be very familiar with the readings or what was covered in class on this topic. Know our class discussions!

IV. CLASS LECTURE ON "aliens" and U.S. Citizens from country "A." Be able to justify why immigration laws are made (yes, there are based on "politics and economics" as we have learned--but how are they upheld as "constitutional"). Again, know the legal basis, fair or unfair (just or unjust) upon which to pass any immigration law in the United States.

III. UNJUST vs. JUST DEPORTATIONS-KNOW HOW THIS AFFECTS immigration law and whether to deport individuals or not from the U.S. See Ngai discussion of this topic. Know handout on Naseer Din and Ziaul Hassan family from our class field trip. Know the role of Immigration Judges and their limited authority, as discussed in class.

IV. Finally, know the "IRAC" method of answering an essay exam questions: (1) ISSUE, (2) RULE, (3) ANALYSIS, (4) CONCLUSION. Why is it used? Why is it important? Know that: Immigration laws are often hidden/justified by current public sentiment, economic motivations: (i.e., NSEERS, Deportations of DIN, Hassan family). Oftentimes there is a lot of unrelated yet inflammatory facts associated with immigration (remember the GERALDO RIVERA vs. BILL O'REILLY DEBATE, i.e., are we letting illegal aliens who are drunk drivers stay here). IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU BE ABLE TO objectively parse away irrelevant facts to get at the real issues. This is the purpose of the IRAC methodology of answer exam questions. If appropriate, cite the 60 Minutes segment about widows left behind due to immigration laws where common sense DO NOT GO HAND IN HAND WITH THE LAW: Many viewers (and lawmakers in Congress) were shocked at this segment. DOES THIS COME AS A SUPRISE TO YOU, based on what you have learned during this semester? These laws may be unfair, but can they be supported legally in our society? WHY? (refer to our friend, FRED KORAMATSU. Did he have the last say after all?).

BE PREPARED TO TIE IN THE PAST WITH ANY HYPOTHETICAL FACT PATTERN GIVEN ON THE FINAL EXAM: If you know this--you will be able to identify and answer any type of essay question asked of you.

Please call email me or make an appointment to see me if you have any questions.

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